Saturday, July 13, 2019

1 Nephi 18:9 “they did forget”

In 1 Nephi 18, Laman and Lemuel went back to their old ways and rebelled against Nephi, Lehi, and God while sailing on the boat to the promised land. This is after so many miracles that had happened in their lives up to this point. But, why would they think to make a big deal out of the miracles that they saw? This was their life and they probably didn’t consider that other people did not see angels, have a prophet as a father and brother, and be miraculously led through the wilderness to a promised land. In fact, we do know that they were familiar with the story and significance of Moses, and perhaps this just felt like normal to them. I think we do the same thing in our lives. When I look back at my life I  can clearly see the hand of God, miracles, and spiritual blessings, but does that keep me from making mistakes, often the exact same mistakes as I made before? In many instances, no, and mostly because of the same reasons  Laman and Lemuel probably struggled. Although I have countless blessings and miracles happening in my life, I often become complacent and lazy in how I approach the challenges of being a father and husband.

In my parenting and in my marriage I have unfortunately many times “forget by what power” I have arrived where I am today, and I continue to make the same mistakes. For Laman and Lemuel, they were met with storms, angels, and powers of the Lord that prevented them from severe consequences of their mistakes. I am glad that is not how I am motivated to do better, but I am also saddened that in order for me to do better, the people around me that I have hurt have to forgive me. My actions create problems for my children and wife, and I hope they have enough patience for me to figure out how to not make the same mistakes. 

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